

Sea Turtle Adoption

Support Loggerhead Marinelife Center by symbolically adopting a sea turtle patient is a wonderful way to contribute to marine conservation. Through this adoption, you not only help ensure these turtles receive the essential care they needā€”like food, medication, and hospital servicesā€”but also actively participate in efforts to rehabilitate and release these remarkable creatures back into the wild.



Ambassador Adoption

The Loggerhead Marinelife Center's Ambassador Adoption Program is an impactful way to support conservation efforts for species that inhabit Florida's diverse and fragile coastal ecosystems. By symbolically adopting an ambassador species, you not only contribute to the protection of marine life and their habitats, but also help educate and raise awareness about the importance of preserving coastal ecosystems.

Turtles and Ambassadors

Showing all 6 products
Package Levels
$40 Adoption Package

- A personalized adoption certificate
- Educational materials
- 4 x 6 glossy photo
- LMC sticker

$65 Adoption Package

- A personalized adoption certificate
- Educational materials
- 4 x 6 glossy photo
- LMC sticker
- Plush sea turtle
- LMC reusable bag

$100 Adoption Package

- A personalized adoption certificate
- Educational materials
- 5 x 7 glossy photo in custom frame
- LMC sticker
- Plush sea turtle
- LMC reusable bag
- Reusable straw
- LMC designer hat

$250 Adoption Package

- A personalized adoption certificate
- Educational materials
- 5 x 7 glossy photo in custom frame
- LMC sticker
- 32" GIANT plush sea turtle 
- LMC reusable bag
- Reusable straw
- LMC designer hat


Name-A-Hatchling Package

- A personalized adoption certificate
- Educational materials
- 5 x 7 glossy photo in custom frame
- LMC sticker
- Plush sea turtle
- LMC reusable bag
- Reusable straw
- LMC designer hat

Adopt-A-Nest Package

- A personalized adoption certificate
- Educational materials
- 5 x 7 glossy photo in custom frame
- LMC sticker
- Plush sea turtle
- LMC reusable bag
- Reusable straw
- LMC designer hat

$50 Classroom Adoption

- A personalized certificate
- 4 x 6 glossy photo
- Sustainable seafood card
- Educational materials
- Ocean ambassadors Door Hanger
- 24 x LMC branded pencils
- 24 x paper straws

$65 RealtorĀ® Adoption

- Personalized certificate
- 4 x 6 glossy photo
- Sustainable seafood card
- Educational materials
- LMC sticker
- LMC reusable bag
- Sea turtle key chain


- Letter from RealtorĀ® (Optional)


Please send letter to with order number as subject

$40 Ambassador Adoption

- A personalized adoption certificate
- Educational materials
- 4 x 6 glossy photo
- LMC sticker

$65 Ambassador Adoption

- A personalized adoption certificate
- Educational materials
- 4 x 6 glossy photo
- Species sticker
- Plush 
- LMC reusable bag

* All adoptions ship within 3-5 business days.
* Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee you will be able to witness a public release of your adopted sea turtle. All of our releases are permitted through Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and we must abide by their rules and timelines.                                                                                     

* Please note that not every turtle is fitted with a tracker. There is no way to know which turtles will be fitted with a tracker. We apologize for this inconvenience.

* Please note that certain items may be substituted for an item of equal value.